Sony Employees’ Medical Records Among Hacked Data

Personal health and insurance info of three dozen employees and their families compromised in cyber attack

Sony's logo on a wall
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Personal medical information on more than three dozen employees and their families is among the data obtained by hackers in the cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, according to a new report Thursday.

Bloomberg reports that health conditions, medical costs and human resource information are among the details on employees in the documents. It was a chilling indicator for the 47,000 current and former Sony employees whose information was compromised of how vulnerable they might be.

One document leaked is a spreadsheet from a human resources that includes the birth dates, gender, health condition and medical costs for 34 Sony employees, their spouses and children who had very high medical bills, the report said. Premature births, cancer, kidney failure and alcoholic liver cirrhosis were among the conditions listed on the document, which doesn’t include employees’ names.

Another addressed to the company’s benefits committee, disclosed details on an employee’s child with special needs, including the diagnosis and the treatment the child was receiving. The memo discussed the employee’s appeal of thousands of dollars in medical claims that were denied by the insurance company.

Hackers calling themselves Guardians of Peace have been releasing documents since the Nov. 25 attack. Personal info on A-list stars, executives’ emails and salaries, business plans and employees’ info like social security numbers have turned up in the data dumps.

The group is demanding that the studio halt its release of the Seth RogenJames Franco comedy “The Interview,” which lampoons North Korea.
