New ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Poster Trashed By Fans: ‘Did Someone Win a Competition on Reddit?’

Both Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. appear TWICE in the poster


We may have gotten a new “Spider-Man: Homecoming” trailer on Wednesday, but we also got a new poster — and one is more well received than the other.

People took to Twitter to express their distaste for the new poster, which some likened to an amateur Photoshop project, while others criticized for its featuring of some characters over others.

The poster includes just about every character that you’ve seen from the trailers. Some appear twice. Peter Parker himself (Tom Holland) stares off into the distance in the dead center, flanked on one side by his Spider-Man persona and on the other by Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), who is featured more prominently than the hero.

Stark also appears in his Iron Man armor in the bottom left corner. Villain Vulture (Michael Keaton) is also shown twice, both in and out of his suit. Other characters include Michelle (Zendaya) Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) and the return of Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau).

Some notable omissions: Donald Glover (who made his first appearance in the latest trailer), Peter’s friend Ned (Jacob Batalon), and many others.

There are a lot of characters in this movie, and the poster couldn’t have included them all, but people on Twitter are peeved by its construction and layout. First of all, it looks like somebody with little graphic design experience slapped some images on a page and called it a day.

There’s also the featuring of Stark — not only once but twice — that takes up the majority of the poster. Yes Spider-Man is blown up on the left, but why do Iron Man and Iron Man characters take over a Spider-Man film? Many felt that it sent a mixed message about who the protagonist was supposed to be.

The film hits theaters on July 7. Check out some more Twitter reactions below, including some people who made adjustments.

