NSA Spying Takes Stephen Colbert Off the Grid, Has Him Drawing Own Porn With a Pen (Video)

The Comedy Central host can whip up some pretty “sick” imagery with just a few strokes, apparently

Even if the rest of America — and a recent independent study — doesn’t back him up, Stephen Colbert is a “huge fan of the heroes that work at the NSA.”

A recently released analysis by the New America Foundation found that the government’s surveillance programs “had no discernible impact on preventing acts of terrorism,” he said Thursday.

The Comedy Central host and ultra-conservative character had a spin for that: “Is violating everyone’s privacy really that bad if it doesn’t even work?” Colbert wondered aloud.

See video: Stephen Colbert Blasts Obama Tourism Ad, Offers ‘America: Come or Don’t, We Don’t Give a Sh-t’

The solution? Spy harder — a concept that both the “Colbert Report” anchor and the NSA can get behind.

For its latest tracking method, the NSA implanted transmitters in nearly 100,000 computers worldwide, either during the manufacturing process or implanted in plugins via USB cords. Finally, Colbert was shaken.

“They’ve got transmitters in our USB cords,” he said. “I’m guessing that’s why the first time you try to plug it in, it’s always the wrong way.”

As a result of the new tactic, Colbert is going completely off the grid. His hand-written tweets and pen-drawn porn became pretty rudimentary after that.

Watch the clip:
