Taliban Backs Bounty on ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Filmmaker; Clinton Links Al Qaeda to Attacks (Updated)

Taliban removes Pakistani minister from hit list after he offers reward for killing of "Innocence of Muslims" director

Updated, 7:11 pst

Count the Taliban among those who endorse placing a bounty on the head of the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims."

Getty ImagesA faction of the group in Afghanistan has offered a reward of $500,000 in gold for the killing of the film's director Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the AP also reports.

And in Pakistan, the fundamentalist militant group is removing Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour from its hit list after he offered a $100,000 reward this weekend to anyone who murders the film's director Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the AP said.

Also read: 'Innocence of Muslims' Protesters Torch Theaters as Riots Escalate in Pakistan

At the same time, a Brazilian court has ordered YouTube to pull the film's trailer from its site, according to Reuters. In his decision, Judge Gilson Delgado Miranda said the need to protect individuals from violence outweighed freedom-of-speech concerns. YouTube has 10 days to block the video.

However, the company did not immediately adhere to the judge's ruling and the head of YouTube's Brazilian operations,  Fabio Jose Silva Coelho, was taken into custody, the Associated Press reported.  Brazil's federal police said that the executive would be released after signing a document pledging to appear in court on the matter.

"Innocence of Muslims" has been linked to dozens of deaths throughout the Muslim world, including the American ambassador in Libya. However, it is still not known if the attacks on U.S. diplomats in Libya resulted from anger over the film or if a strike had already been planned to correspond with the anniversary of 9/11.

On Thursday, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton indicated that a North Africa group with links to Al Qaeda might have been involved in the killings, according to a report in the New York Times.

"Now, with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver, terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in multiple directions,” Clinton said at the United Nations. “And they are working with other violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions under way in North Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi.”

"Innocence of Muslims" has also provoked violent protests in Pakistan. Last week, rioters burned movie theaters in the city of Peshawar and in the port town of Karachi and clashed with the police.

The demonstrations were sanctioned by the Pakistani government who declared last Friday a national holiday called it the “Day of Love for the Prophet Muhammad."
