Tiger Woods’ Mistress: Stop the Fore! Play

Joslyn James will tee against a line of golf balls featuring her and other Woods paramours

Joslyn James, one of golfing great Tiger Woods’ alleged legion of girlfriends, will tee off noon Wednesday — against a line of golf balls being marketed by a Canadian company.

Creative Classics sells the novelty balls, featuring images of Woods’ reported paramours — including James — under the imprimatur of its Mistress Collection.

James claims that the “risk of violence against women may be increased because of this product.”

A former porn actress who says she was in love with Woods and believed he was in love with her, James will go public with her complaint in a news conference at the office of her attorney, Gloria Allred.

A press release issued by Allred’s office says that James has been in hiding since the Woods scandal erupted.

The N.Y. Daily News quotes a company official, Mike Caldwell, saying it has sold $40,000 balls in three days.
