Writers Guild Signs First Ever Internet News Writer-Producer Contract

The three-year agreement with CBS in Los Angeles includes increases in minimums and wages, among other items

The Writers Guild of America, West, has signed its first-ever deal for web newswriting .

The contract covers internet writer-producers who work at CBS studios in the Los Angeles area, the guild announced Wednesday.

The writer-producers voted uanimously to be represented by the WGAW in late July of 2009. In the months since then, they've been negotiating the contract.

"We are proud to represent these talented profesisonals who write news, promotions and create special projects for new media at CBS," WGAW Representative Lynda Whittaker said in a written statement.

"We are very excited to be joining our on-air promo peers in becoming part of the WGA," Tammy Kihs, steward of CBS Eyelab — promotions and special projects — said in a written statement.

According to the guild, the three-year contract "includes increases in minums and wages, secures grievance procedures, paid vacations, holiday pay and health and pension benefits. The agreement also provides language outlining job duties and working conditions, as well as discharge and layoff protections with negotiated severence pay."
