Fox News Chairman Ailes Wanted to ‘Bench’ Sarah Palin

Ailes was furious that Palin announced her presidential ambitions (or lack thereof) anywhere other than Fox News

Guess Roger Ailes doesn’t think Sarah Palin is particularly “hot” anymore.

According to a post by New York Magazine contributing editor Gabe Sherman, the Fox News Chairman is livid with Palin because she didn’t announce her presidential plans on Fox News.

Instead, Palin went on Mark Levin’s talk-radio show to say she would not be running for the top post in the land.

Roger Ailes is supposed to have security tighter than the secret service, so how did this nugget get out?

Sources within Fox and sources close to Palin told Sherman, who has written at length about Fox in the past.

Also Read: Fox News Confuses Sarah Palin With Tina Fey (Video)

And that’s not all. Ailes called Bill Shine, Fox’s executive vice president for programming, and said “I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network." That forced Shine to tell Palin's representatives that she was at risk of getting "benched."

So why did Palin turn to Levin and not Fox? Apparently Mama Grizzily is upset that Fox has given Karl Rove so much airtime. Rove has been a vocal critic of Palin’s, and also accused her of having “thin skin.”

As Sherman points out, Palin still has to endorse a candidate for President. Which radio host could she turn to next?
