He Tweets! Charlie Sheen’s First Twitpic

“Two and a Half Men” star provides photographic insight into the clean life being enjoyed at “Sober Valley Lodge”

At long last, Charlie Sheen tweets.

The "Two and Half Men" star has picked up over 150,000 followers since joining Twitter on Tuesday

And @charliesheen is taking to the popular micro-blogging site like a recently fired sitcom star on a bat-s**t crazy media tour. 

"Winning..! Choose your Vice… #winning #chooseyourvice https://twitpic.com/455ly9" the star tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.

He also provided fans and celebrity trainwreck watchers with a look inside Sober Valley Lodge. Looks like chocolate milk and juice are the snacks of choice there. 

Here's the Twitpic:
