Jimmy Kimmel opened up Thursday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” with a plea to Republican lawmakers in the wake of the Florida school shooting in which 17 people were killed: “Do something. Now. Not later. Now.”
17 people, mostly students, were killed and at least 14 more were injured on Wednesday when a gunman opened fire on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Officials released the identities of the victims, including both students and faculty, on Thursday.
After showing a clip of Donald Trump’s public remarks after the shooting, a visibly angered Kimmel urged the president to “tell Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio – all the family men who care so much about their communities – that what we need – are laws. Real laws – that do everything possible to keep assault rifles – out of the hands of people who are going to shoot our kids. Go on TV – and tell them to do that.
“Tell these Congressmen – and lobbyists – who infest that swamp you said you were going to drain,” Kimmel added with clear sarcasm at the word “swamp,” to “force these allegedly-Christian men – and women – who stuff their pockets with money from the NRA year after year after year – to do something. Now. Not later. Now.”
Kimmel also called out politicians for what has become a standard response after these tragedies. “Don’t you dare let anyone say “it’s too soon to be talking about it”. Because you guys said that after Las Vegas. You said it after Sandy Hook. You say that after every one of these eight now fatal school shootings we’ve had in the United States this year.”
“Children are being murdered,” he continued. “Do something. We still haven’t talked about it. You still haven’t done anything about this. Nothing. You’ve literally done nothing. Actually – you’ve done worse than nothing.”
Kimmel ended the monologue by urging viewers to “vote them out of office” if nothing changes.
Watch the whole thing above.