Fox Sports Host Incurs Wrath of Twitter for Using the Phrase ‘Superman and the Avengers’

Football color commentator Joel Klatt gets tackled online for mixing up the DC and Marvel Universes during college football game

Superman Man of Steel Henry Cavill
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

Fox Sports football color commentator Joel Klatt incurred the wrath of Twitter on Saturday when he mixed up the Marvel and DC Universes while calling a college football game.

“To throw the ball down the field is virtually impossible against Superman and the Avengers,” Klatt said of Ohio State’s defense. Of course, almost everyone knows Superman is part of the DC Universe, while the Avengers belong to the Marvel Universe. Everyone but Klatt, it seems.

If Klatt had any nerd cred, he’d know that Superman is a member of the Justice League, but perhaps he skipped the 2018 team-up movie (don’t even ask him about the Synder Cut). And somehow, the biggest grossing movie of all time, “Avengers: Endgame.”

Twitter responded immediately and savagely to the mix-up. Here are some of the funniest replies:

Twitter user Seth replied, “WTF. That’s like saying “Darth Vader and the Enterprise”. Wow. Just wow. Don’t mix references.” That’s “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” for those of you not in the know.

One poster tweeted a photo of a clearly counterfeit Superman toy in Avengers packaging, writing, “I think it’s safe to assume Fox Sports bought this bootleg:”

Kathiana posted a video from “Avengers: Age of Ultron” where the heroes share a look of disbelief when Vision picks up Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. Some fans are feeling that disbelief over Klatt’s comment.

Anthony Y. wrote, “TV Announcer just called Buckeyes D-Line ‘Superman and the Avengers’. He will now spend the rest of the night saying ‘shut up, nerd’.”


Klatt got the message. After making the on-air mistake, he addressed his critics.

“Gotta be honest…not gonna lose much sleep over a failed comic reference,” the commentator posted. “If you’re upset – get a life,” he added with the trending hashtag #SupermanandtheAvengers.

He then doubled-down, saying that he would repeat the phrase during next week’s game. “Screw it…I’m using it again next week in the 1st quarter,” he posted.

Watch Klatt’s gaffe below:
