Jon Stewart: ‘Hilary Rosen Just Made the Republican Party Pro-Choice’

Ann Romney says “we need to respect choices that women make”

Jon Stewart says Hilary Rosen's contention that multi-millionaire mom Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life" has had the unexpected effect of making "the Republican Party pro-choice."

The criticism of Romney by Rosen, a Democratic strategist, led to a flood of Republicans making the point that motherhood is a full-time job — and that Romney raised five boys. Romney herself made the point in a clip Stewart played on Monday's "Daily Show."

"My career choice was to be a mother. And I think all of us need to know that we need to respect choices that women make," she said.

Stewart threw up his hands.

"Are you not entertained?" he asked. "Hilary Rosen just made the Republican Party pro-choice!"

Stewart also noted that as governor of Massachussets, Romney called for welfare recipients with young children to have jobs outside the home as well, so that they would have "the dignity of work."

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