News Corp. Sets Exec Team for Digital Media Group

Strategy development for MySpace, IGN Entertainment, Fox Audience Network.

News Corp.’s Digital Media Group is bulking up with a series of executive appointments announced Wednesday.

Dan Fawcett, president of Digital Media for Fox, adds the Digital Media Group titles of general counsel and executive vice president of business affairs.

The Digital Media Group is responsible for driving digital strategy across News Corp. It also directs the company’s standalone digital media businesses.

MySpace, IGN Entertainment, Fox Audience Network, Photobucket, Beliefnet, and Fox Mobile Group will now be directed by the Digital Media Group, News Corp. said in a statement. The management team will provide long-term strategy, corporate development, business and legal affairs.

"Our goal is to empower the leadership at our digital properties to operate in a more streamlined environment,” said News Corp. Chief Digital Officer Jon Miller. “Digital Media will play a lead role in shaping digital strategy across News Corp., ensuring a consistent, long-term vision of both product innovation and revenue generation.”

The other appointments are executive vice president of Operations Jack Kennedy; executive vice president of Strategy and Corporate Development Jorge Espinel; and senior vice president of Safety, Security and Privacy Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam.

