Showing results for: Lana Wachowski
141 Results
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‘Pi’ to ‘Lincoln’ to ‘On the Road’: How They Adapted the Unadaptable
2012 was a year full of film versions of books that seemed impossible to bring to the big screen
2012 Box Office: Blockbusters, Bombs and Best of the Rest
With history's best opening ever — and the worst — 2012 was a roller-coaster year at the box office … at least it was never dull
‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Running Up $48M Box-Office Score
Disney's "Wreck-It Ralph" leads the way, and "Flight" is on pace for $23M as weekend box office is running ahead of last year
Fall Movie Preview: 13 Films We’re Dying to See
From "The Hobbit" to "Django Unchained" to "Skyfall," here's a look at the most anticipated movies of the fall
The Wachowskis Eye Will Smith for WB’s Urban ‘Robin Hood’
The secretive siblings have written a modern take on the popular myth
Wachowski Siblings Hawking ‘Hard R’ Gay Romantic Drama
Cinema verite-style treatment concerns a homosexual relationship between an American soldier and an Iraqi citizen