“Running Mates,” an original digital series from ABC News that profiles the significant others of this year’s presidential candidates, is now live on the news division’s digital platforms, having premiered this week on “Good Morning America.”
The series’ seven installments feature the spouses of Ben Carson, Bernie Sanders, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Ted Cruz join now-former candidate Rand Paul’s wife in “Running Mates,” with each receiving their own episode.
“‘Running Mates’ is a true multi-platform content offering, resulting from the close collaboration between digital and our on air-brands. One of our many jobs as storytellers is [to] explore the human condition, and that’s what makes this series so compelling,” ABC News Digital EP Dan Silver told TheWrap. “Each spouse offers a fascinating and personal perspective into the character of each candidate through a completely different lens.”
Two significant spouses are missing from the list, however: Bill Clinton and Melania Trump.
ABC producers asked every campaign to be involved when developing the series and only the candidates who responded and agreed to participate went into production.
ABC News calls the series “a portrait of life on, and off, the campaign trail,” and network correspondent Linsey Davis factors prominently throughout.
All seven episodes are now live on ABCNews.com and across ABC News’ digital platforms. Portions were also featured on “World News Tonight” and “Nightline.”