Sarah Palin: Rush Limbaugh Criticisms ‘the Definition of Hypocrisy’

Palin tells CNN host was exercising First Amendment rights

Talk about a game changer — or at least a subject change: Sarah Palin says it's the "definition of hypocrisy" that Rush Limbaugh was pressured to apologize for calling a law student a "slut," because "leftist radicals" are never made to apologize for offensive remarks.

Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke drew Limbaugh's ire by testifying before Congressional Democrats about her belief that private insurance companies should pay for birth control. Advertisers and stations have dropped Limbaugh's show despite his apology.

Also read: Will Limbaugh's 'Slut' Remarks Derail His Career?

Speaking on CNN on Tuesday about the Super Tuesday primaries, Palin said he was exercising his freedom of speech.

"I think the definition of hypocrisy is for Rush Limbaugh to have been called out, forced to apologize and retract what it is that he said in exercising his First Amendment rights, and never is that — the same applied to the leftist radicals who say such horrible things about the handicapped, about women, about the defenseless," Palin said.

She did not specify which "leftist radicals" had made offensive comments about the handicapped, women, or the defenseless. Palin is the mother of a special needs child.

Palin is the subject of the HBO docudrama "Game Change," which premieres Saturday.
