Neil Degrasse Tyson Complains ‘Star Wars’ Fans Have ‘Lost Their Minds’ (Video)

“I wonder if I should continue to tweet about movies. People seem to be deeply upset by it,” astrophysicist TV personality says

Neil Degrasse Tyson has taken some heat on Twitter for saying negative things about “Star Wars,” and he seems to think it’s unfair.

On Monday night’s episode of “Conan,” the “StarTalk” host told Conan O’Brien that fans of the sci-fi series are “prickly people,” especially on Twitter.

“I mean, you can’t say anything bad,” he complained. “No, no. You can’t say anything correct if it somehow gets interpreted as something bad.”

Tyson told the late-night host that he’s simply telling the truth, and he’s not even the one initiating these conversations.

“I said the Starship Enterprise would wipe its ass with the Millenium Falcon … It would swat it out of the way,” he said, pointing out that the much larger “Star Trek” ship comes equipped with many more weapons.

While he was met with cheers by “Star Trek” fans in the audience, Tyson said that “Star Wars” fans have “lost their minds” over some of his criticisms of the movies online.

“I wonder if I should continue to tweet about movies,” he wondered. “People seem to be deeply upset by it.”

Watch the video.
