Stephen Colbert Petition Calls on Obama to Execute Thanksgiving Turkey (Video)

Caramel lost in a contest for this year’s presidential pardon — now there must be justice

This could be it, folks: The petition that makes the White House give up on the whole idea of welcoming online petitions.

On Monday’s “Colbert Report,” Stephen Colbert launched a petition calling on the president to execute Caramel, a turkey who lost an online contest to receive this year’s presidential pardon. After a turkey named Popcorn won the president’s mercy, the White House decided to spare Caramel as well — which is thoroughly un-American, Colbert said.

Also read: ‘Family Guy’ Fans Try to Raise Brian From the Dead With Petition

“That’s right — our coward in chief wasn’t satisfied pulling out of Iraq and pulling out of Afghanistan — now he’s pulling out of Turkey,” said Colbert. “Next you’re going to tell me that the losing Miss America contestants get to live.”

Under the White House’s self-imposed petition policy, any petition sent to Obama with 100,000 signatures receives a White House response. You can make the president privately scream “OKAY! ENOUGH WITH THE PETITIONS” of you sign the execute Caramel petition here.

Watch Colbert:

