Watch Vince Gill Confront Westboro Baptist Church (Video)

“Don’t you know you f—ers are lucky that you don’t have a sign that says something about my wife?”

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church are used to being dismissed as crazy as they picket military funerals, berate anyone they perceive as homosexual, and generally annoy people. But singer Vince Gill opted not to ignore them.

In a new video shot Sunday, Gill wandered among church protesters who turned up at his Kansas City, Mo., concert to protest his committing the great sin of being married to someone who was married before.

“Vince Gill, what in the world are you doing out here?”one protester asks.

“I just came to see what hate looked like,” he replies.

The woman then asks, “But more importantly, what are you doing with another man’s wife? Don’t you know that divorce plus remarriage equals adultery? Jesus Christ said that.”

Gill replies, “Don’t you know you fuckers are lucky that you don’t have a sign that says something about my wife?”

He then reminds her of other things Jesus said “about forgiveness, about grace. You guys don’t have any of that.”

He then turns to another protestor: “I’ve seen you on TV, man. You’re a big dipshit.”

Gill also seems disappointed that the church’s founder, Fred Phelps, and his family aren’t there.

“Are any of you guys Phelpses? Or are you guys like the C-team?” he asks.

Watch the video:
