Politico Hubs Set for Republican and Democratic Conventions (Exclusive)

Popular political website plans live, around-the-clock events, interviews and watch parties


Politico will have a major presence in both Cleveland and Philadelphia during this summer’s Republican and Democratic conventions, as both parties prepare for what are set to be the most newsworthy conventions in a generation.

Politico Hubs in both cities will be home to live programming and interviews, including daily Playbook interviews with Mike Allen, live recordings of Glenn Thrush’s “off Message” podcast and networking groups with the Women Rule events led by Politico editor Susan Glasser.

“In the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime presidential race, Politico’s on-the-ground presence will bring together the most important influencers in politics, policy, and power,” Glasser said. “We will offer a must-attend experience in Cleveland and Philadelphia for politicos during what will be the most important and newsy days of the election to date.”

The goal of the hubs is to provide a “home base” for top politicos and policymakers across the country, according to a company spokesperson.

Politico Hubs will also include an original gallery of  Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Matt Weurker’s original art, nightly lounges and live convening of the Politico Caucus led by Steve Shepard and Ben White. The respective hubs will be located on Euclid Ave. in Cleveland and in Commerce Square in Philadelphia.

“As hundreds of the most influential people in politics descend to the RNC and DNC, our editorial team will lead in-depth conversations that go beyond the talking points on the convention floor and get to the heart of the issues driving this election cycle,” said Politico events editorial director Luiza Savage.

All events will be on-the-record and streamed live on Politico’s site.
