AFTRA to Investigate MPTF Closings

Concerns expressed at national convention in Chicago; Reardon re-elected President.

The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists has joined the Screen Actors Guild in showing concern over the closure of the Motion Picture Television Fund’s long-term care and ICU facilities.


At its 62nd biennial national convention in Chicago, which ended on Saturday, delegates referred a resolution to a committee to investigate the circumstances of the closure.


The Screen Actors Guild national board of directors in July voted 52 percent to 48 percent to oppose closing the facility.


Also at the AFTRA convention — attended by more than 240 performers, broadcasters and sound recording artists — Roberta Reardon was re-elected to a second two-year term by a unanimous vote.

“I am extremely honored to serve once again as your National President,” Reardon told the delegates. “Together, we’re going to forge a great 21st century digital union.”
Also re-elected were First National Vice President Bob Edwards, satellite radio host from Washington, D.C., and Second National Vice President Los Angeles actor Ron Morgan.
Other National Vice Presidents re-elected were San Francisco actor Denny Delk, New York actor Holter Graham, San Francisco broadcaster Bob Butler, Philadelphia TV news producer Catherine Brown, Nashville recording artist Jim Ferguson and former Boston TV journalist Shelby Scott.
Chicago news broadcaster Craig Dellimore was newly elected as a National Vice President. Los Angeles actor Matt Kimbrough was re-elected National Treasurer, and New York actor Lainie Cooke was re-elected National Recording Secretary.

Convention delegates also approved a resolution to increase AFTRA’s initiation fee from $1,300 to $1,600; the additional fees will be used to increase employment opportunities for union performers and broadcasters so they can benefit from the improved wages and working conditions of AFTRA contracts.

Also passed was a resolution supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, with gender identity protections included, and that all AFTRA Locals protect the rights the gay and lesbian community from discrimination by supporting legislation that outlaws discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


Delegates selected Seattle as the host city for the 63rd National Convention in 2011, and Washington, D.C., for 64th National Convention in 2013.
