Alex Jones Blasted for Telling Unhappy African-Americans to ‘Go to Africa’ (Video)

“Nope, Alex Jones. My ancestors were involuntarily brought to America in the 18th century,” one woman tweeted.

Alex Jones revived a centuries-old racial taunt Wednesday, telling African-Americans that if they aren’t happy in the United States, they should go to Africa.

“Again, if America is so bad — the whole thing is — why don’t you go to Africa,” said Jones. “I’ve heard from so many black folks that were liberals until they went to Africa and they saw how bad it was in some areas and they went ‘Wow, man I’m glad I’m here.”

Criticism came swiftly from people who reminded Jones of the existence of slavery.

“Nope, Alex Jones. My ancestors were involuntarily brought to America in the 18th century,” one woman tweeted. “So, I am staying in America to give you something to talk about on your show.”

Jones, who is currently being sued for fueling false claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was faked, has previously accused Bill Gates of being a eugenicist, and speculated about child slave colonies on Mars. But his latest statement was still striking enough to catch the attention of Bobby Lewis, a researcher for the liberal group Media Matters. Lewis was the first to flag the remark on Twitter.

Jones did not immediately respond to a request for comment from TheWrap.

Here are some other responses:
