The 13 Best (and Worst) ‘Dracula on a Boat’-Type Horror Movies, Ranked

Vampires and werewolves and aliens — on vehicles — oh my!

The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Universal Pictures

The new horror film “The Last Voyage of the Demeter” was dubbed “Dracula on a Boat” by social media users, and the twist on the chapter from Bram Stoker’s iconic horror novel definitely did deliver on the premise of the age-old vampire feasting on the crew of an unlucky ship.

Introducing a monster of any kind — alien, werewolf, zombies — to a vehicle that can’t stop and can’t let anyone off is a tried-and-true horror formula. Here are some of the movies where the combo of “creature” + “claustrophobic form of transportation” worked and some where it ran aground.
