Hello, Readers

Comments are welcome, and I look forward to the dialogue

Wrap Readers:

With today’s post regarding the aftermath of the Pellicano quagmire — and a report on Google's earnings advisory — I begin blogging for TheWrap.  I’m pleased and energized to be joining Sharon Waxman and a really fine team here, and I plan to bring to the fore whatever’s fresh, piquant and newsy in the entertainment industry’s executive suites  — and on sets, in the studio, onstage and on that multifarious thing we used to call television.  

Look for some ample, probing pieces on the order of today’s post on John McTiernan and Anthony Pellicano, but also for some fast-breaking updates, observations and reactions to what’s current in this sphere.

Comments are welcome, and I look forward to the dialogue. Our best readers on the web are savvy and opinionated, deserving and demanding of our best work, and I’m eager to see where that takes us.
