Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gavin Newsom and Previous California Governors Urge Face Mask Use: ‘This Isn’t Over’

The last five governors of California worked together on the nonpartisan message

Arnold Schwarzenegger Gavin Newsom
Photo credit: Getty Images

The five most recent governors of California released a joint video Monday morning urging viewers to wear face masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The bipartisan effort was produced by ATTN: and featured Governors Gavin Newsom, Jerry Brown, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, who joined forced behind Newsom’s Thursday order that all Californians must wear masks in public.

“Democrats and Republicans agree, wearing a mask isn’t a political statement. It’s about protecting yourself, your family, and your community,” wrote ATTN: along with the video, which was posted to Facebook and Instagram.

Newsom and Schwarzenegger have been particularly visible faces of the campaign to keep Californians calm and safe, with Newsom providing press briefings and Schwarzenegger releasing PSAs assuring viewers it’s possible to “have a good time” staying in.

In the latest video, Republican Schwarzenegger jokes with the man he replaced, then-incumbent Democratic governor Gray Davis, and the five officials explain that wearing a mask isn’t partisan so much as simply useful in stopping the spread.

“Look, nobody wants to wear these things,” says Jerry Brown, a Democrat, as he points to a decorated mask on his face.

Pete Wilson adds that “masks have come a long way since the last pandemic,” but “this isn’t over.”

Schwarzenegger made headlines last week for leaving his gym — bodybuilding mecca Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach — after seeing patrons were not wearing masks on the floor.

Watch the PSA below:
