“Lando,” the upcoming Disney+ series that will star Donald Glover reprising his role as Lando Calrissian from 2018’s “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” was recently revealed to be in development (after a soft announcement in 2020).
At the time it was announced that Glover and his brother (and frequent collaborator) Stephen had taken over the project and were hard at work. And now Stephen Glover has let something slip: it’s not a TV show. It’s a movie. Watch the clip below.
Glover was appearing on “Pablo Torre Finds Out,” a podcast/web series hosted by the former ESPN reporter, when Torre brought up “Solo.” “We’re doing, it’s not even a show,” Glover said before being interrupted. “I’m sure the nerds will figure it out anyway. They’ll read my lips or something.” When Torre finally asked if it wasn’t a show, Glover clarified: “The idea right now is to do a movie.”
Not that it’s a sure thing, as Glover continued: “Right now, because of the strike, it’s like a game of telephone, with the information coming out.” Torre then interrupts him again, which doesn’t allow for Glover to finish his thought. But there you go: “Lando” is not a TV series, it’s a movie.
Lando, of course, was a character first introduced in 1980’s “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back,” played with flair by Billy Dee Williams. The character returned in the trilogy-ending “Return of the Jedi,” with Glover assuming the role in 2018’s prequel/spin-off “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” Glover was highly acclaimed in the role for both bringing his own swagger to the performance and arguably being the best thing about the movie, which wound up a critical and commercial disappointment for Lucasfilm and Disney. Williams returned as Lando for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” which opened in 2019.
Still, talks of a “Lando” project persisted and even though the movie underperformed, Disney announced a “Lando” series for Disney+ as part of a 2020 showcase, meant to ease the public (and Wall Street’s) fears following the COVID-19 epidemic. At the time Justin Simien was meant to spearhead the project, but earlier this year it was revealed that the Glover brothers had taken control.