‘Magic Mike’ Red Band Trailer: Channing Tatum Bares Everything But His Genitals

Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey and the other stars of "Magic Mike" strip down to their banana hammocks

Matthew McConaughey, Channing Tatum and their stagemates don man thongs and cowboy boots in the latest trailer for “Magic Mike,” Steven Sodebergh's foray into the world of male stripping. 

It’s a red band trailer — and a 30-second one at that — so more skin and less substance comes as no surprise. Past trailers haven't revealed much beyond some of the characters' background, but this one reveals even less — unless you count a wide variety of colored thongs. 

The movie, which stars McCaonuaghey, Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Cody Horn and Olivia Munn, hits theaters June 29. Until then, you'll always have the teasers:
