NBC Affiliate Local News Reporter ‘Can’t Get This F–king in There’ (Video)

Live local news delivers yet another amusing blooper to add to the compilation reels floating around the internet

Lauren Podell, a reporter at Detroit’s NBC affiliate WDIV, didn’t know she was live on the air on Wednesday morning, and  accidentally expressed her frustrations with equipment by dropping an F-bomb.

“I don’t have IFB, I don’t know when we’re going, neither does Jim, I can’t get this f–king in there,” she exclaims when anchors cut to the scene of a historic downtown district ravaged by a fire.

See video: A.J. Clemente Isn’t Alone! 5 Other News Personalities Who’ve Cursed on TV

It wasn’t her fault, though. IFB, or interruptible feedback — the very thing Podell was complaining about not having — is the system that feeds the cues to the on-air talent’s earpiece.

The anchors kept their cool and quickly apologized on the air. Neither the station or Podell has commented on Facebook or Twitter — common communication tools for these types of incidents.

This was certainly not the career-defining F-bomb that probably still haunts former North Dakota news anchor A.J. Clemente, but it’s still amusing enough for connoisseurs of cursing.
