Mark Hamill and Chris Evans have answered a question that kids everywhere want to know: if Luke Skywalker and Captain America got into a fight, could Luke’s lightsaber break through Cap’s vibranium shield?
The “Star Wars” star was asked on Twitter based on a picture made by a father who called the conundrum “the toughest question I’ve ever had to answer as a father.” Hamill’s response was surprisingly nuanced, saying that while Luke would never fight someone as noble as Steve Rogers, and taht a hypothetical conflict would come down to who had the home-movie advantage.
; I think it’s time that we ask the experts on this one- @ChrisEvans and @HamillHimself, what do you fellas think?? #AskingTheRealQuestions
— Hannajoe Settlemyre (@itsbananaaa) June 26, 2018
In the #MarvelUniverse– NO
In the #StarWarsUniverse– Luke wouldn’t fight a hero, but if asked to do so, he could cut it into a million little pieces.— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) June 27, 2018
Evans, on the other hand, noted that Cap would know what to do if his shield was ever destroyed.
Foolish. Now I have vibranium ninja stars.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) June 27, 2018
The question, of course, also prompted some great responses from the fans.
By hand. Probably not.
Now with the force, maybe?
— Kevin McCollister (@BlackGhostPanda) June 27, 2018
Jedi really doesnt come into it. Worthiness knows no creed. Cap is just as worthy as Thor or Vision.
…You know who could lift it?
Chewie.— SnersonJim (@axdeath) June 28, 2018
— Baron Von Genius! (@BaronVonGenius) June 27, 2018