“Noah” star Jennifer Connelly said any controversy surrounding the Darren Aronofksy film was purely “speculation” from those who hadn’t seen it yet.
“There was controversy,” Connelly told Jimmy Kimmel during an interview (above) on Monday night. “I think that the controversy was really, as you’ve eluded to, it was speculation. It was debate amongst people who haven’t seen the film yet.”
Also read: Biblical Scholar on ‘Noah’ Script: ‘Anti-Human, Pro-Environmental Polemic’
When Kimmel inquired what the root of the controversy was, Connelly steered clear of an explanation in order to avoid being labeled a hypocrite.
“Now I’m speculating about what people were speculating about. See what he’s trying to get me to do? I’m speculating about speculation,” Connelly joked. “Now people who were creating controversy who are seeing it, I think are supporting the movie and embracing it.”
See video: ‘Noah’ Behind-the-Scenes Preview Mixes Religious Praise With New Footage
The Mar. 28 Paramount release was banned by a number Middle East countries — a small market for the big-budget epic based on the Noah’s Ark story from the Bible — because “it contradicts the teachings of Islam.” A U.S. group, the National Religious Broadcasters, pressured the studio into adding a disclaimer to the marketing campaign, which identified the film as being “inspired by the story of Noah.”
“It is true to the spirit of the story that is written in the Bible,” Connelly added.