NY Daily News Cover Trolls Trump With Ford’s Infamous ‘Drop Dead’ Quote

See why Friday’s front page story about the president pulling out of the Paris Accord is harking back to a cover from 1975

President Trump

The New York Daily News didn’t hold back on its thoughts about President Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Accord.

The front cover of Friday morning’s paper — which was posted on Twitter Thursday night — is a smart throwback to infamous quote from Gerald R. Ford in a speech denying federal assistance to spare New York from bankruptcy.

“Trump to World: Drop Dead,” is the headline, with a close up photo of the POTUS, inspired by a Daily News Cover from Oct. 30, 1975 that read: “FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD.”

The latest bold front page comes in the wake of national outcry over Trump’s rejection of the Paris Accord, which many — including the Weather Channel — believe could have a detrimental effect on the environment and follows the president’s long-standing claims climate change is a hoax — specifically perpetrated by the Chinese to put the U.S. at an economic disadvantage.

The Paris agreement seeks to engage countries around the world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to try to reverse climate change. Its purpose is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of keeping global temperatures from continuing to climb. Negotiated in 2015 and enacted in 2016, the agreement’s goal is long-term: to work to prevent global temperatures from rising to 2 degrees Celsius or more above the average seen during the pre-industrial age by 2100.

The Associated Press reports pulling out of the agreement could mean an additional 3 billion tons of carbon added to the atmosphere each year.

On a side note, The New York Times reported in 2006 that Ford never actually said those words that he was famously credited for. “”It more than annoyed me because it wasn’t accurate,” Ford told the paper years later. “It was very unfair.”

See some of the Twitter reactions to the Daily News’ latest cover before it hits newstands below.



