Lexa, “The 100”
Accidentally shot in the stomach by her second-in-command.

Rose, “Jane the Virgin”
Strangled by an unseen character.

Delphine, “Orphan Black”
Shot in the stomach by an unseen shooter.

Tara, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
Shot through the heart.

Marissa, “The OC”
Killed in a car accident after being run off the road.

June, “Sons of Anarchy”
Shot in the back of the head.

Sophie-Anne, “True Blood”
Staked in the heart with a wooden bullet.

Gaia, “Spartacus”
Head bashed open during an orgy.

Lucretia, “Spartacus”
Jumps off a cliff, carrying the baby she cut out of another character’s womb.

Angela, “Boardwalk Empire”
Shot by a mobster, as revenge against her husband.

Maya, “Pretty Little Liars”
Killed by the stalker posing as her cousin.

Tricia, “Orange Is the New Black”
Overdosed on pills after being ousted by her prison family.

Alice, “Under the Dome”
Died of a heart attack after helping to deliver another character’s baby.

Leslie Shay, “Chicago Fire”
Struck in the head by a pipe while responding to a building fire.

Sara, “Arrow”
Shot through the heart by a mystery assailant.

Rachel, “House of Cards”
Killed offscreen to protect other characters’ secrets.