CNN’s Berman Blames Unvaccinated People for Creating ‘Pandemic of Choice’ (Video)

“This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is now a pandemic of choice,” says “New Day” anchor

CNN’s John Berman put the blame for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic squarely on the shoulders of the unvaccinated Thursday morning.

“This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is now a pandemic of choice — the choice not to get vaccinated — and it’s a choice that’s having a profound impact, a bad one, on the rest of us,” said the “New Day” anchor. “The facts bear it out.”

Berman said most officials have been “too polite” to bluntly lay the blame for recent surges in hospitalizations and deaths on those who haven’t been vaccinated. “Frankly, the blame doesn’t need their help,” he said. “It’s placing itself. It’s just obvious. If the unvaccinated are not to blame, who is?”

Co-anchor Brianna Keilar jumped in to point out that only 49% of Americans are vaccinated, which she called “a far cry” from the projected herd immunity threshold of 70% to 85%.

“The World Health Organization now says the U.S. has recorded the highest number of cases in the world over the last seven days in a country where the vaccine is everywhere if you choose to get it,” fumed Berman.

Watch the duo’s scathing segment above, via CNN.
