HBO is partnering with The Atlantic to produce a series of short films titled “Question Your Answers,” with the goal of challenging audiences to confront their own assumptions.
The series launched Tuesday with a short film featuring “Westworld” star Jeffrey Wright pondering the question, “Should I be scared?” Additional short films featuring your favorite HBO actors are underway.
Wright’s feature sounds like something a host from “Westworld” might grapple with: the short opens with the actor seated on an airplane, and he at first feels frightened by some turbulence. Throughout the short, different versions of Wright pop up, including the optimist and the “hair-on-fire headline reader,” evolving into a metaphor for current global instability.
“Through thought-provoking storytelling, HBO encourages audiences to challenge their most deeply held views and examine human complexities,” said executive vice president of consumer marketing at HBO Chris Spadaccini. “The Atlantic introduced an engaging platform to explore this concept and we are very excited to partner with them and extend the series, inviting viewers to consider multiple sides of some very timely questions.”
Sam Rosen, head of growth at the Atlantic, added: “Since our founding, The Atlantic has been a place for debate–home not to a single viewpoint but a spectrum of diverse, and often conflicting, ideas. That is, ultimately, what Question Your Answers is about: appreciating how civil discourse rests upon intellectual humility and critical self-reflection. We’re thrilled to be partnering with HBO in bringing that message to a wider audience.”
You can watch Wright in “Should I Be Scared,” directed by David Shane of O Positive Films, before “Westworld” on Sunday, May 13.