There’s Another Guy Named George Papadopoulos, and He’s Not Having Much Fun Right Now

“I am NOT Trump’s foreign policy adviser! I have NO association with the Trump camp! NONE!”

On Monday, ex-Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI. The news has led a different George Papadopoulos — a Twitter verified, certified financial planner and public accountant — to become ensnared in a web of confusion online.

“For the [ninth] time, I am NOT Trump’s foreign policy adviser!,” he tweeted Monday. “I have NO association with the Trump camp! NONE!”

Despite more than 4,500 retweets, it seems that a lot of people still didn’t get the message.

All Mondays suck in general but this one is off the scales 🙂

— George Papadopoulos (@feeonlyplanner) October 30, 2017


Papadopoulos, who is visiting family in Greece, said he had limited access to multimedia and did not immediately reply to TheWrap’s request for comment.
