Bill Maher made a joke about an assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald Trump, referencing John Hinckley Jr.’s recent release from a mental institution.
“I’m nervous with this election,” Maher said on Sunday while speaking at the DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. “And I saw the headline today: ‘Race tightening, Trump ahead in Ohio and Florida’. If this race is even the week before the election, somebody is going to have to go out there … Why do you think they let Hinckley out?”
Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s, reportedly to impress Hollywood actress Jodie Foster. On Sept. 10, Hinckley was released from institutional psychiatric care to live with his mother.
A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump by five points. Last week, a CNN poll showed that Trump was beating Clinton by two points, declaring a tight race nine weeks before the election.
In recent weeks, Clinton has faced tough questions about whether she gave preferential treatment to Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state. And her email scandal won’t go away.
The two presidential contenders are set to debate for the first time on Tuesday, Sept. 26, with NBC news anchor Lester Holt moderating.
Listen to Maher’s joke below.