Barbra Streisand Calls Donald Trump a ‘Bigoted and Misogynist Reality-TV Character’ In Op-Ed

The singer compares Trump and Hillary Clinton’s views on health care, race and gay rights in the essay

barbra streisand
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Barbra Streisand has penned an op-ed in which she calls Donald Trump a “bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character” while comparing him to Hillary Clinton, who she believes “can lead the nation.”

“We cannot allow America to fall into the hands of a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself… a bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character with no political experience and no qualms about lying loudly and often,” Streisand wrote for the Huffington Post. “There is NO equivalency between these two candidates. Only Hillary Clinton has the skills, the knowledge, the temperament and the compassion to lead this nation.”

Streisand began the essay by stating that facts don’t matter for Trump, that he cheats his way through business and “only cares about promoting himself.” She then compared Trump to Clinton in terms of how they both view black and Hispanic voters, health care, and gay rights.

“Trump is both spreading and reflecting bigotry and hatred,” she added. “He said a judge was not capable of doing his job because of his Mexican heritage.”

Streisand has been a Clinton supporter from Day 1, even headlining an LGBT fundraiser for Clinton in New York City earlier this month.

Of course, Streisand mentioned Trump’s “conspiracy theory” that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States, a statement on which he backtracked recently. But “he doesn’t even have the decency to apologize, and he has he the audacity to say Hillary started it all.”

“He’s basically a bully, but like all bullies, he’s a coward at heart,” she wrote. “He skipped out on a debate because he didn’t like the moderator. He can’t handle the tough questions. He’s so thin-skinned that as soon as anyone challenges him, he sues them. Hillary has been attacked right and left for decades and is still standing.”

The singer also mentioned that Clinton wasn’t “getting credit for all her accomplishments,” and in Streisand’s mind, it comes down to sexism.

“It goes back to something I’ve felt for many years… strong women, powerful women have always been suspect,” she wrote. “Strong women have too many opinions for some people… they prefer women who are quiet. They want us to speak less and smile more.”

She added, “After Hillary answered questions on national security, Reince Priebus complained that she didn’t smile enough. Well, guess what… there was nothing to smile about. As she said, this is serious business. And Trump says Hillary doesn’t look presidential? What does that mean… coming from a guy who looks like a raccoon in a tanning bed… with a flying squirrel on his head? That’s what a president is supposed to look like? A wrestler who dies his hair blonde?”
