Joseph Gordon-Levitt released the first episode of his new variety show, “HITRECORD ON TV,” on Monday morning, nearly two weeks ahead of its Jan. 18 premiere on Pivot.
“I’m deeply proud of this show, and I think you’re realllllly gonna like it,” Gordon-Levitt wrote in a message to viewers on YouTube. “Honestly, making this thing together with all the artists from around the world in our hitRECord community has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life so far.”
Also read: Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Don’t Say ‘Don Jon’ Is About Pornography or Use the Word ‘Celebrity’
The show is a collaborative effort between the “Don Jon” director’s community that began building up its following after being launched in 2010. The first of eight episodes features the work of 426 contributing artists, all of whom are paid for their participation.
Each episode revolves around a particular theme and is filmed in front of a live audience, who are all recording the experience themselves. In honor of the series’ debut, the first episode’s theme is “The Number One.”
Watch the former “3rd Rock from the Sun” star host his new show during the first 22-minute episode, above.