Knife-wielding New York Times magazine editor Hugo Lindgren is at it again.
The "On Language" column, a staple in the Times magazine for 32 years, is coming to an end.
Ben Zimmer, who took over "On Language" after the death of William Safire, made the announcement in Friday's paper:
On Language is finally coming to a close, at least in its current incarnation. For more than 30 of those years, it was the domain of the Language Maven (as Safire jauntily called himself), until his passing in September 2009. I’ve had the privilege of carrying on that legacy for the past year, but now it is time to bid adieu, after some 1,500 dispatches from the frontiers of language.
The death of "Language" is just the latest change under Lindgren. Earlier this month, the Times announced that Randy Cohen, the magazine's popular "Ethicist" columnist, and Deborah Solomon, its "Questions For" columnist, would be leaving.
Meanwhile, Edith Zimmerman, the founding editor of The Awl's ladyblog — The Hairpin — will have an Internet-focused monthly column in the redesigned magazine, WWD reports.
Zimmerman's column makes its debut next weekend.