“South Park” has been renewed through Season 30 at Comedy Central and 14 original movies based on the show have been ordered at Paramount+, as part of a new six-year mega deal signed between co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone and ViacomCBS’s MTV Entertainment Studios, the company revealed Thursday.
Parker and Stone’s new pact with ViacomCBS’s MTV Entertainment Studios extends their partnership through 2027 and is worth $900 million, an individual with knowledge of the negotiations tells TheWrap. That figure does not include production or overhead costs, the source said.
Representatives for ViacomCBS and Stone and Parker declined TheWrap’s request for comment on the financial aspects of the deal.
Two of the upcoming 14 made-for-streaming “South Park” movies will debut on Paramount+ in 2021, with two more rolling out each year after that, according to ViacomCBS.
Co-created by Parker and Stone, “South Park” premiered on Comedy Central on August 13, 1997. It most recently aired a full season, its 23rd, in 2019, with two standalone specials debuting during the pandemic in September 2020 and March 2021. No premiere date has been set for Season 24 yet.
Parker, Stone, Anne Garefino and Frank C. Agnone II executive produce “South Park.” Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell and Vernon Chatman are producers and Chris Brion is the creative director of “South Park” Digital Studios.
“Matt and Trey are world-class creatives who brilliantly use their outrageous humor to skewer the absurdities of our culture and we are excited to expand and deepen our long relationship with them to help fuel Paramount+ and Comedy Central,” Chris McCarthy, president/CEO of MTV Entertainment & CCO/Adult Animation – Paramount+, said. “Franchising marquee content like ‘South Park’ and developing new IP with tremendous talent like Matt and Trey, is at the heart of our strategy to continue growing Paramount+.”
“Comedy Central has been our home for 25 years and we’re really happy that they’ve made a commitment to us for the next 75 years,” Parker and Stone said. “When we came to ViacomCBS with a different way to produce the show during the pandemic, Chris (McCarthy), Nina (Diaz), Keyes (Hill-Edgar) and Tanya (Giles) were immediately supportive and enabled us to try something new that turned out to be really well received. We can’t wait to get back to doing traditional ‘South Park’ episodes but now we can also try out new formats. It’s great to have partners who will always take a chance with us.”
The deal between Stone and Parker and ViacomCBS was negotiated by their long-time attorney, Kevin Morris and Park County’s Keith Pizzi.
Bloomberg first reported the $900 million figure for Parker and Stone’s new deal.