Trevor Noah Names 2020’s Best Karen for ‘The Daily Show’s’ Pandemmy Awards (Video)

Donald Trump takes home multiple awards

Pandemmys The Daily Show With Trevor Noah
Comedy Central

“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah announced the winners of the 2020 Pandemmy Awards on Sunday, awarding winners in categories including “Best Bullshit,” “Best Supporting Disaster” and “Outstanding Achievement in Wishful Thinking.”

Donald Trump was the big winner of the evening, taking home the Pandemmys for Most Optimistic Performance for saying COVID-19 would “disappear” and Outstanding Stunt Coordination for the video of him struggling down a ramp at West Point. The president was also given a special award for Outstanding Achievement in Self-Editing.

The Pandemmys, a parody of Sunday’s Emmy Awards where “The Daily Show” lost in the variety talk series category to “Last Week Tonight,” were announced by Noah last Friday. The awards honor “the most notable performances during the coronavirus pandemic,” Noah said. Winners were decided by an online fan vote.

Watch the clip from Monday’s episode below:

In addition to Trump, nominees included the various Karens and Kevins around the country who threw on-camera fits about mask requirements; White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who promised never to lie; murder hornets; the California wildfire sparked by explosives used for a gender reveal party; Vice President Mike Pence; New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; and a whole host of cable news hosts.

See all the winners below, and the full list of nominees here.

Best Bullshit: Kayleigh McEnany – “I Will Never Lie to You”

Best Costume Design: Matt Gaetz – “Mocking Gas Mask”

Best Cure: Disinfectant

Best Foreign Film: Italians Singing on Balconies

Best Karen: “I Am Legend”

Best Kevin: Man Dragged Out By Son

Best Picture: Gov. Cuomo: SLUT

Best Supporting Disaster: Gender Reveal Wildfire

Best Supporting Supporter: Dr. Robert Redfield – “Your Decisive Leadership”

Most Optimistic Performance: Donald Trump – “Like a Miracle It’ll Disappear”

Outstanding Achievement in Wishful Thinking: Dana Bash – “From a Human Standpoint”

Outstanding Stunt Coordination: Donald Trump
