“Real Time With Bill Maher” livestreamed its season finale on Friday, the show’s first episode following the presidential election, and now you can watch the entire episode above.
The outspoken host opened the episode with, “Well, we tried” — a reference to Donald Trump’s surprise victory on Tuesday night over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton — before tearing into Trump voters and the president-elect himself in the rest of his monologue.
The rest of the episode featured interviews with Former Attorney General Eric Holder, singer John Legend and comedian Trae Crowder. The roundtable guests were political commentator David Axelrod, political correspondent Ana Marie Cox and columnist Thomas Friedman.
Maher had plenty to say about the election and the political polarization that’s divided the country. He said the election has brought out something he doesn’t like and doesn’t recognize, saying that he’s looking at jubilant Trump fans and thinking, “What happened? I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
“We’ve always had our disagreements here but now half the country literally wants nothing to do with the other half,” Maher said. “Our motto is no longer ‘E pluribus unum,’ it’s ‘Go f– yourself.’”
The HBO talk show will return on Jan. 20, which also happens to be Inauguration Day and Maher’s birthday.
Watch the video above.