"The Hunger Games" has eaten into "Twilight"'s glory.
The upcoming adaptation of Suzanne Collins' young-adult novels has sold out more than 1,000 showtimes a week ahead of its March 23 opening. That means it has overtaken advance-ticket sales of the 2008 vampire blockbuster "Twilight" on the online ticket outlet Fandango.com at the same point in that film's sales cycle.
Also read: "Hunger Games" Beats "Twilight Saga: Eclipse" in First-Day Advance Sales
“It's our fastest-selling franchise-opener since ‘Twilight’," Rick Butler, general manager and executive vice president of Fandango, said. "The brisk advance ticket sales are a testament to the strength of the incredible marketing campaign which has clearly resonated with fans and even those unfamiliar with the books."
Indeed, while the movie might be based on the young-adult book series, a survey conducted by Fandango indicates that the big-screen adaptation is finding appeal beyond that demographic. Of those who responded to the survey, 46 percent are 25 or older.
Also read: "Hunger Games" New Clip: Peeta Reveals His Love for Katniss (Video)
The survey also found that 72 percent of the respondents were most intrigued by the movie's premise and action; 18 percent were most drawn to the love story.