Meltdown at MSNBC? Ed Schultz: ‘I’m Going to Torch This F—ing Place’

Page Six says host lost it in 30 Rock newsroom

Did Ed Schultz have a Mel Gibson-style meltdown in the 30 Rock newsroom earlier this month?

If you believe Page Six, it would appear he did. According to the gossip sheet, Schultz was “furious” he wasn’t included in election-night promos, shouting "I'm going to torch this f—ing place" at “astonished” MSNBC staffers. He finished by yelling “f—ers,” according to the report.

Schultz was then dragged into a meeting with MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and NBC News head Steve Capus, during which Schultz, who hosts MSNBC’s 6:00 p.m. (ET) hour, “broke down crying.”

Remember, this is the New York Post, whose parent, News Corp., also owns Fox News, which revels in trashing cable competitors from its top-rated perch. And Page Six has gotten a few things wrong of late, including debunked sightings of Steven Slater and Conan O’Brien having dinner with Maury Povich and Connie Chung. (Conan responded by tweeting: "Whoever's impersonating me — aim higher.")

An MSNBC spokeswoman declined to comment on the supposed August 12 incident, but managed to get in a dig at CNN. "The only thing that's on fire are Ed's ratings, and the only people crying are at CNN."

Oddly enough, as Inside Cable News points out, it appears "Morning" Joe Scarborough referenced the meltdown on his show on August 13, mockingly yelling "I'm going to torch this place" as he walked off camera.

And as TVNewser notes, meltdowns are nothing new for Schultz. Check out this pre-MSNBC appearance on Fox News:
