“Pottersville,” an indie dramedy starring Michael Shannon and Christina Hendricks, is close to a deal with Netflix for global streaming rights.
Talks between Netflix and sales agents Gersh and UTA Independent Film Group have been ongoing throughout the weekend in Cannes, one individual familiar with negotiations told TheWrap. The deal will close this week, the insider said. A theatrical release partner is currently unknown
The film follows a local business man (Shannon) who is mistaken for the mythical creature Bigfoot after a wild night of drinking, tossing on a gorilla costume and staggering through the woods makes him an internet sensation.
The event sparks international media attention and reinvigorates a small town’s economy, as the business man grapples with revealing the truth. First-timer Seth Henrikson directs from a script by Daniel Meyer. It’s been described as “It’s a Wonderful Life,” but with, you know, Sasquatch.
It costars Ron Perelman, Tom Lennon and Ian McShane. Shannon and Perelman produced through their own labels Plot 4 and Wing and a Prayer, respectively.
Shannon is repped by CAA, Wetzel Entertainment and attorney David Krintzman.