“The Walking Dead” actress Jeryl Prescott has been cast in the role of Madame Xanadu in the DC Universe’s upcoming series “Swamp Thing,” Warner Bros. TV announced Friday.
Her character is described as “a centuries-old sorceress who finds herself reluctantly drawn into battle against the escalating supernatural forces plaguing a small Louisiana town. A blind fortune teller and magical crusader, Xanadu’s heart is in the right place despite her unorthodox methods in the fight against evil.”
Prescott joins Maria Sten, who plays Liz Tremayne, and Crystal Reed, who plays Abby Arcane.
Madame Xanadu was created by writer David Michelinie and artists Val Mayerik and Michael William Kaluta, first appearing in the first issue of DC Comics’ short-lived horror anthology comic series “Doorway to Nightmare,” which was published in February 1978. In the comics, she was originally known as Nimue Inwudu, the youngest sister of the Morgana and the Lady of the Lake from the legends of King Arthur and serves as one of the most powerful magic users in the DC Comics universe.