More Exits From PMK/HBH

Victoria Harvie, Dan Strickford jump to ID’s brand strategies department

More defections from PMK/HBH in the wake of the powerful PR firm’s merger this week with BNC.

Victoria Harvie, a brand publicity executive, and Dan Strickford, an account executive, are the latest to join in what is shaping into a mass exodus from the firm. The pair has jumped to Kelly Bush’s PR firm ID. With Heather Greenfield, Harvie will jointly head up ID’s brand business in Los Angeles as vice president of brand strategies, the firm announced on Friday. Strickford will be the account director.

“We’re thrilled to have Victoria and Dan join ID,” Bush said in a statement. “Together they are a dynamic force and will continue to thrive with our full support. Under Heather’s leadership, we’ve grown our brand department and expanded our services in new and exciting ways. ID now more than ever is uniquely positioned to offer brands strategic capabilities for 21st century communications, as well as an organic entrance into the entertainment industry.”



Read also:

Hollywood PR Meltdown — the End of Powerhouse PMK/HBH

PMK-BNC Head Nyman: Defections ‘Sad, Not Unexpected’
