“Sausage Party” and “Finding Dory” are both animated films with stellar voiceover ensembles, but that is exactly where the similarities end forever.
The two were paired together, however, in a recent purported mistake at Concord, California’s Brenden Concord 14 movie theater, in which a manager ran the trailer for the R-rated Seth Rogen comedy before screening the PG-rated “Finding Nemo” sequel. One movie is meant for children and families, and other decidedly is not.
“Playing that trailer was a one-time honest mistake by a theater manager moving screens around in effort to accommodate several large last-minute groups wanting to see ‘Dory,’” Brenden’s VP of Operations Walter Eichinger told the East Bay Times. “The wrong movie was started by mistake.”
“It was caught soon, but not until the trailer played,” he continued. “We regret it, apologize for it, and we are not happy that it happened. We fully realize this trailer is not appropriate for ‘Dory’ and we would never schedule something like that. The trailer for ‘Sausage Party’ is not and never has been scheduled with ‘Dory.”
To get a better idea of how inappropriate for children the “Sausage Party” trailer is, click the video above — and that one’s not even the red band version.
Below is the much sweeter “Finding Dory” trailer.