“Game of Thrones” prequel spinoff, “House of the Dragon” (premiering August 21), and Amazon Prime Video’s costly “Lord of the Rings” prequel, “Rings of Power” (premiering Sept. 2), are HBO and Prime Video’s most-anticipated original series since 2019, according to entertainment data provider Whip Media.
Despite uneven receptions for the final season of “Game of Thrones” and “The Hobbit” film trilogy, both upcoming fantasy series have the makings of certified hits, but which one are fans most looking forward to?
Whip Media’s TV Time app tracks viewer interest across 21 million global users. According to the data provided to TheWrap, “House of the Dragon” boasts nearly 20% more followers on the app leading up to its debut than “Rings of Power,” giving the former a comfortable lead in terms of fan anticipation.