Jaguar’s ‘Mad Men’ Reaction: ‘We Have Never Been So Happy to See Our Car Not Start’

Jaguar responds to AMC show's portrayal of its cars… and fictional executives

(Spoiler warning: Don't read this if you don't want to know what happened on "Mad Men" Sunday)

Jaguar executives took to Jalopnik to post a lengthy response to its portrayal on "Mad Men" this season — including a scene in which Lane Pryce tries to gas himself in one of their cars, but can't because of starter trouble.

"We have never been so happy to see our car not start," wrote David Pryor and Stuar Schorr. They are Jaguar North America's vice presidents of marketing and communications, respectively.

Also read: 'Mad Men' Star Jared Harris Explains Lane Pryce's 'F— You to the Office'

They wrote on the auto site about their mixed feelings toward a season that has included countless shots of beautiful cars — but also one fictional Jaguar employee demanding sex in exchange for his business, another cheating on his wife at a bordello, and, finally, Lane's failed suicide attempt.
