Lohan Gets in Twitter Tirade Against Dad

Lindsay tweets about hating her father after he sends the cops to her apartment

Like everything else she does, Lindsay Lohan's daddy issues hit Twitter Thursday morning.

The troubled actress took to tweeting after Michael Lohan showed up at her apartment with deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department to check on Lindsay's sister Ali's welfare.

Michael told police that the 16-year-old Ali's safety was in jeopardy while she stayed with her older sister, TMZ reported.

After questioning Lindsay, the police allowed Ali to stay.

Despite that modest victory, Lindsay felt the need to vent to her fans.

She spent the better part of an hour firing off missives against the cops, the building management and most especially her dad, who she accused of kidnapping her, suffering from drug addiction and generally being a creep. Don't hold your breath for any reconciliation.

Lindsay's mom Dina Lohan remained firmly in her corner, telling US Weekly that Michael was "dangerous."

"He has absolutely no rights to do this!" Dina told US. "He's a three-time felon."

Here's the Twitter chronicle of Lindsay's very bad morning:

@lindsaylohan: i have no choice but to make this public, due to my sister's safety, as well as my own, "my ex-dad" just WALKED INTO MY APT like the devil's

@lindsaylohan: advocate with officers….

@lindsaylohan: let's not forget, that my father KIDNAPPED me from a COURT ROOM when i was 4 years old and is CRAZY 

@lindsaylohanhe has NEVER paid child support, and is marrying a tabloid writer and can barely spell his own name due to his "brain" that has been ruined

@lindsaylohandue to HIS drug use.

@lindsaylohan: when will it ever end… it's been going on my whole life with him-hasn't he caused enough pain ?

@lindsaylohan: thank g-d for my mommy… w/out her, i wouldn't even know myself..

@lindsaylohan: @Lara_Disco my lawyer isn't answering I NEED A RESTRAINING ORDER! MY SISTER AND FRIEND TOO!!!!! HE'S NUTS!!!

@lindsaylohan@Jeannette___ my BUILDING didn't STOP him, isn't it supposed to be safe? THAT'S WHY I MOVED HERE! it coulda been FAKE cops! dressed up!

@lindsaylohan: @SpikedTequila they have no right to…. no warrant or anything

@lindsaylohan: @Werix i'm calm, i just feel that everyone needs to know the truth this time.

@lindsaylohan: @deb_forman if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.. bad karma

@lindsaylohan: @Evan_Guerin i'm not angry, i am wondering what the world is coming to when my father can hire cops and walk into my apt w/out notice

@lindsaylohan:  @Evan_Guerin not to mention, he's the one that's been in prison most of my life…he, or the sheriffs had NO legal grounds to be here at all
